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ICFP 2020
Thu 20 - Fri 28 August 2020

The ICFP mentorship program will organize mentorship groups for either short-term (ICFP only) or long-term (beyond ICFP) mentorship. The goal is for everyone in the ICFP community to have access to outside perspectives and lasting relationships in the community. This is especially important during a pandemic, when outside perspectives and lasting relationships are difficult to come by.

Anyone can sign up to be a mentor or a mentee (or both)! We especially encourage senior graduate students to consider mentoring.


To sign up for the mentorship program, just check the appropriate boxes in the ICFP registration form. Be sure to do so by the ICFP early registration deadline of August 8th for mentees, and by August 16th for mentors, that way we have time to match mentors with mentees.


Both mentors and mentees will have an option to choose short-term or long-term mentorships. Both short-term and long-term mentors are expected to meet online with mentees at least once during ICFP. Long-term mentors are additionally expected to stay in touch with mentees after ICFP, acting as a default point of contact for an outside perspective. Exactly what this looks like is up to the particular mentorship group, so please communicate with your group!


Matching will be manual based on the information provided in the registration form. We will aim for the smallest groups possible (1:1 ideally).

To get a good match, please fill out as much information as possible on the registration form. For example, if you think it would be helpful to have a same-gender mentor, please state so explicitly. Likewise, if you have a particular perspective that you can offer as mentor, please state that as well.

More Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to tringer@cs.washington.edu.